Of all organisations, nonprofits have the most to gain from brand building. An authentic brand embodies your values and mission. For nonprofits, connecting with their community through shared values is imperative.


You can’t assume that the community will come to you, just because you’re doing good. The best nonprofits are systematically building capacity within their organisations and infusing all of their communications with brand meaning. They’re empowering communities of external champions to take their brands and amplify the message through their own networks.

Unfortunately many nonprofits invest in brand but get it wrong, or don’t get brand at all. It doesn’t have to be this way.

We’ve worked on many nonprofit branding projects over the years and have observed the brand building approach of many more. We’ve identified five distinct phases that nonprofit brands travel through in order to transcend the organisation and ultimately come to be recognised for the cause they represent.

Brand building is a process that any organisation can follow and excel at, with dedication and patience, but there’s a whole lot more to it than identifying your values then designing a logo that represents them.

To find out what’s involved, download our new eBook…

Five steps to nonprofit brand brilliance - The journey nonprofits must make in order to thrive

Topics: Brand, Nonprofit