30 July 2013
Throughout the world, more than a billion people are estimated to live with some form of disability. In Australia this amounts to nearly 20% of the population - so why wouldn’t you build your website with disability access in mind? Accessibility is an aspect of website development that is often overlooked by both developers and clients as few understand its significance. So, why should you bother to have an accessible web design?
10 August 2012
From our humble beginnings Freerange Future has always been involved with the arts and the arts community. We are now taking the next step in our participation with the 2012 Regional Arts Australia National Conference, Kumuwuki/Big Wave.
24 January 2012
Big Stories will compete for the best community site of 2011 at the SxSWi Awards in Austin, Texas this March. These awards are held during the SxSW Festival and Conference, an annual event encompassing film, music and interactive, with over 30,000 attendees.
17 January 2012
In the beginning there was a website. Then there were Flash and HTML versions of the site. Then there was a WAP version. Maybe. Then the Flash version got binned. Then there was probably an iPhone version. Then just in time, designers got smart, browsers got good and Responsive Design was born.
14 October 2011
Mindshare South Australia launched on Wednesday night at the Mercury Cinema as a part of Mental Health Week, an annual event highlighting mental health issues in the community. The launch showcased the website, as well as screening a some of the great stories that are now available for you to explore at mindshare.org.au