Welcome! This is the first part of The Internet is for Everyone blog series.

A picture of a wine heart and a small blue star sits on the right side of a gold background

Websites are for everyone.

In a rich, diverse world like ours, there are numerous different ways that people access the web. Our senses influence our experiences and affect our ability to interact with the web too. As creative, marketing and web professionals, it is our responsibility to design and develop websites and apps that include all people.

This is where understanding the need for accessibility and the related requirements for web come in.

Over 1 billion people worldwide have a disability. With 15% of the world’s population having some sort of disability, it makes up the world’s largest minority group.

Being able to use and interact using the web is fundamental to everyone’s daily lives. We need it for banking, finding local services, work and these days, social interactions. Accessibility is the culmination of good design, content and web development. Over the coming weeks we’ll be sharing the insights we’ve learned over the past 11 years of creating accessible sites – from design to development.

If you’re eager and want to know it all now – you can download our latest ebook The Internet is for Everyone here.

The Internet is for Everyone - Why and how to make your website accessible. Below the text there is a button with the words 'Download eBook' on it

Topics: Accessibility, Digital