It’s here! We are once again proud to be design and digital partners for the Adelaide Festival of Ideas.

We’ve come up for a breath to share with you the events we’re most looking forward to this Adelaide Festival of Ideas. There are 131 sessions running from Thursday 12 July to Sunday 15 July, most of these events are free to the public.

You can find the full program online here: //

Nick – The radical ideas that created South Australia

I’m really looking forward to The radical ideas that created South Australia. Not many people know that SA was founded on utopian ideals – a massive experiment in shaping a new type of society. We lost all that along the way somewhere but some radical thinking and a new type of society is just what we need now.

Free event : //


Rey – Human space exploration – the International Space Station, Moon, Mars and Beyond

The session which I’m looking forward to the most is Human space exploration – the International Space Station, Moon, Mars and Beyond by Pamela A Melroy. I’ve been having dreams about space lately and to think that we are so close to visiting our friends in intergalactic space is very exciting!

Free event : //


Alicia – When a stranger calls

I’m most looking forward to hearing Peter Drew, Benjamin Law and Jennifer Caruso’s panel discussion about what makes someone ‘Australian’.

I would love to see an Australia that is more welcoming and compassionate towards asylum seekers and refugees. I’m looking forward to hearing their perspectives on how we move towards a society where all people are valued equally and we can embrace the richness that interculturalism brings.

Free event : //


India – When galaxies collide

As a lover of all things space, I’m looking forward to seeing ‘When galaxies collide’ by Lisa Harvey-Smith. We know so much, but also so little about space and I can’t wait to hear Lisa’s session. It seems like our (very) distant future could be both a scary and beautiful event.

Free event : //


Hannah – The abandoned Solar System

I’m a proud space enthusiast, and a hater of waste. As such, I am looking forward to Dr. Alice Gorman’s “The abandoned Solar System”. We have already sent so much ‘junk’ into space, and I am interested to hear how it will reflect on our culture, warts and all.

Free event : //


Wayne – The Future of Media

As someone who worked alongside some great local, independent journalists in recent years, I am keen to hear from some great minds at The Future of Media session. It’s a constant changing landscape in this digital age and traditional news media has had to shift dramatically with it. The who, why and how we receive true independent news content still plays a critical role in shaping and informing society.

Free event : //


Amy – Daring human…

Risk in creativity? Isn’t every creative act a risk? If so, then give me the courage…

Free event : //

A case to answer

War crime investigation. I love a detective story. This seems to me to be quite a different kind of session for the AFoI. This has a look back, through the framework of now.

Free event : //

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