It’s that magical time of the year again!
Each February and March, we look forward to the rich and diverse artistic productions, performances and exhibitions Adelaide has to offer. The impressive program crafted by both homegrown artists and international acts breath life to the remaining days of summer, bringing on robust activity into the Festival State.
With festival mode happening in full effect, here are our top picks for the season.
Alicia – Manus
Directed by Nazanin Sahamizadeh / Verbatim Theatre Group
I’m looking forward to this, and also not looking forward to it because I know it will be hard to watch. I think it’s important that as citizens of Australia (and human beings), we take the time to understand the plight of people our government is holding prisoner in such appalling conditions. Aaaaand bonus entry – a free exhibition at the Art Gallery; Quilty.
Rey – Badass
Presented by Big Hair Productions
Having a weakness for musicals and parodies, I’m most looking forward to another fun performance by Tash York. She has a way of delving into relatable issues in a light-hearted way and having watched Tash’s previous performance Adulting last year, I am truly excited to see what Badass will bring.
India – FLIGHT
Presented by Realscape Productions in association with DARKFIELD
What’s better than an unsettling experience of mishaps during a flight? This show looks like an experience that isn’t for those with a fear of being in the sky! Me on the other hand, this sounds like 20 minutes of fun!
Wayne – WOMADelaide
If you love music you have to love WOMAD. The best thing about this amazing festival is that it brings not only some of the best musical talents from around the globe to our beautiful parklands but also their showcases their wonderful culture. The musicianship, colour and spectacle is a rare treat that we’re very fortunate to host in Adelaide. It really is multiculturalism in harmony and a great opportunity to broaden your own cultural experiences… oh and the live music rocks too!
Hannah – Jason Pestell: Kmart is Life
Presented by Kmart Lad
I’m looking forward to Jason Pestell’s Kmart is Life because as a bill-paying adult, let me tell you Kmart is life-saving. You know, when they actually have what you want in stock…and it’s not damaged.
Also a special shout out to all the Food Trucks that will be around the city — I’m looking forward to getting to know you.
The Second Woman
Produced by Performing Lines
This is a Vitalstatistix show, and it looks astonishing. 24 hour performance endurance where a woman meets the same man in the same script, except the script stays the same but the man changes. 100 times over.
Presented by RCC Fringe
Search this in Spotify. If you have a decent sound system, turn it up. Then you’ll know why this is something other than anything ordinary. Can’t wait.
Topics: Events