Australia's Accessible Arts Directory

The Challenge

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has been transformative for Australia but it can be challenging for people to navigate the opportunities that are available to them in this brave new consumer directed world. Arts Access Victoria were empowered by state and federal governments to help address this challenge in the arts space – so that d/Deaf and disabled people can better engage with arts and culture, whether as career artists or for their own pleasure and wellbeing.


How accessible is your website and brand?

1 in 5 Australians have some form of disability. We consider accessibility as a high priority, ensuring our websites meet WCAG 2.0 accessbility standards and additional widgets can be utilised. Does your website have contrast errors? Is it keyoboard-friendly? Are your text sizes legible? Do you use image alt-tags? Let us help build an accessible product for you.

Get in touch about accessibility
Accessibility illustration